    title      = {Computation with No Memory, and Rearrangeable Multicast Networks},
    author     = {Emeric Gioan and Serge Burckel and Emmanuel Thomé},
    url        = {https://dmtcs.episciences.org/638},
    doi        = {10.46298/dmtcs.638},
    journal    = {Discrete Mathematics \& Theoretical Computer Science},
    issn       = {1365-8050},
    volume     = {Vol. 16 no. 1},
    eid        = 25,
    year       = {2014},
    month      = {Mar},
    keywords   = {mapping computation, memory optimization, multistage interconnection network, multicast rearrangeability, butterfly, bijective mapping, boolean mapping, combinatorial logic, linear mapping, modular arithmetic, matrix decomposition, [INFO.INFO-DM] Computer Science [cs]/Discrete Mathematics [cs.DM]},
    language   = {English},