1 Laboratoire d'informatique Algorithmique : Fondements et Applications
The Chip Firing Game (CFG) is a discrete dynamical model used in physics, computer science and economics. It is known that the set of configurationsreachable from an initial configuration (this set is called the \textitconfiguration space) can be ordered as a lattice. We first present a structural result about this model, which allows us to introduce some useful tools for describing those lattices. Then we establish that the class of lattices that are the configuration space of a CFG is strictly between the class of distributive lattices and the class of upper locally distributive (or ULD) lattices. Finally we propose an extension of the model, the \textitcoloured Chip Firing Game, which generates exactly the class of ULD lattices.
Le Manh Ha;Nguyen Anh Tam;Phan Thi Ha Duong, Studies in computational intelligence, Algorithmic Aspects of the Reachability of Conflicting Chip Firing Game, pp. 359-370, 2010, 10.1007/978-3-642-12090-9_31.
Éric Goles;Matthieu Latapy;Clémence Magnien;Michel Morvan;Ha Duong Phan, 2004, Sandpile models and lattices: a comprehensive survey, Theoretical Computer Science, 322, 2, pp. 383-407, 10.1016/j.tcs.2004.03.019.