Discrete Mathematics & Theoretical Computer Science |
DMTCS is an open-access scientific journal that has been online since 1998. It is a member of the Free Journal Network.
DMTCS is organized as an overlay journal. Please see https://www.episciences.org/ for a description.
There is no charge for publication and access to DMTCS, and there will never be.
We only deal with submissions by authors directly through this website. In particular, we do not accept submissions from third parties.
There is also no possibility to speed up publication by paying a fee.
All volumes of DMTCS are available through the menu on the left side of this page.
Please refer to "browse by section" for short descriptions of these.
Authors need to deposit their manuscript in an open access repository (e.g. arXiv or HAL) and then submit it to DMTCS (an account on the platform is required). If needed, further versions will have to be uploaded to the chosen OA repository. Please refer to the site documentation to learn about the submission procedure.
DMTCS is published by a French association of the same name in cooperation with the Episciences Initiative.
Our previous server was hosted by Laboratoire Lorrain de Recherche en Informatique et ses Applications, LORIA, in Nancy, France. You still may find a frozen version of our previous server infrastructure.