DMTCS is a highly selective standard peer-reviewed electronic journal devoted to the rapid publication of innovative research which covers the fields of Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science, with an emphasis on the intersection of these two fields.
Automata, logics and semantics
Discrete algorithms
Graph Theory
Please refer to "browse by section" for short descriptions of these.
Submissions to DMTCS undergo a scientific peer review process that is initiated and organized by an editor. The first stage of this review process is to decide whether or not the submission fits into the scope of DMTCS and to estimate if there are chances for it to be accepted.
The purpose of the reviewing process is then to eventually improve the submission, correct flaws and come to a final decision of whether or not the manuscript is accepted for publication.
The reviewing is done by anonymous referees, who provide their feedback to the authors and the editors via detailed reports. These reports must in particular clearly state the decision that is proposed and give the reasons why the referee has come to her or his conclusion.
For rejection, a single but well-justified report is sufficient.
For acceptance, two well-justified reports or one report and a well-founded opinion of the editor is necessary.
Manuscripts are published as soon as they have been accepted, and they are publicly available online. Due to the combined efforts of our authors (who typeset their final document with our LaTeX style) and our volunteers (who do the final layout), the time between acceptance and final publication has a median below two weeks.
DMTCS is free of charge for both authors and readers.