Cesar Ceballos ; Vincent Pilaud - Denominator vectors and compatibility degrees in cluster algebras of finite type

dmtcs:12795 - Discrete Mathematics & Theoretical Computer Science, January 1, 2013, DMTCS Proceedings vol. AS, 25th International Conference on Formal Power Series and Algebraic Combinatorics (FPSAC 2013) - https://doi.org/10.46298/dmtcs.12795
Denominator vectors and compatibility degrees in cluster algebras of finite typeArticle

Authors: Cesar Ceballos 1; Vincent Pilaud ORCID2

We present two simple descriptions of the denominator vectors of the cluster variables of a cluster algebra of finite type, with respect to any initial cluster seed: one in terms of the compatibility degrees between almost positive roots defined by S. Fomin and A. Zelevinsky, and the other in terms of the root function of a certain subword complex. These descriptions only rely on linear algebra, and provide simple proofs of the known fact that the $d$-vector of any non-initial cluster variable with respect to any initial cluster seed has non-negative entries and is different from zero.

Volume: DMTCS Proceedings vol. AS, 25th International Conference on Formal Power Series and Algebraic Combinatorics (FPSAC 2013)
Section: Proceedings
Published on: January 1, 2013
Imported on: November 21, 2016
Keywords: Finite type cluster algebras,d-vectors,subword complexes.,[INFO.INFO-DM]Computer Science [cs]/Discrete Mathematics [cs.DM]
    Source : OpenAIRE Graph
  • Combinatorial methods, from enumerative topology to random discrete structures and compact data representations.; Funder: European Commission; Code: 208471

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