Stephan Dominique Andres ; Winfried Hochstättler - The game colouring number of powers of forests

dmtcs:648 - Discrete Mathematics & Theoretical Computer Science, November 24, 2015, Vol. 18 no. 1 -
The game colouring number of powers of forestsArticle

Authors: Stephan Dominique Andres ; Winfried Hochstättler

    We prove that the game colouring number of the $m$-th power of a forest of maximum degree $\Delta\ge3$ is bounded from above by \[\frac{(\Delta-1)^m-1}{\Delta-2}+2^m+1,\] which improves the best known bound by an asymptotic factor of 2.

    Volume: Vol. 18 no. 1
    Section: Graph Theory
    Published on: November 24, 2015
    Accepted on: November 24, 2015
    Submitted on: November 24, 2015
    Keywords: Mathematics - Combinatorics,05C15, 91A43, 05C05

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