Flavia Bonomo ; Celina M. H. Figueiredo ; Guillermo Duran ; Luciano N. Grippo ; Martín D. Safe et al. - On probe 2-clique graphs and probe diamond-free graphs

dmtcs:2122 - Discrete Mathematics & Theoretical Computer Science, March 28, 2015, Vol. 17 no. 1 - https://doi.org/10.46298/dmtcs.2122
On probe 2-clique graphs and probe diamond-free graphsArticle

Authors: Flavia Bonomo 1,2; Celina M. H. Figueiredo 3; Guillermo Duran 4,5,6,7; Luciano N. Grippo ORCID8; Martín D. Safe 8; Jayme L. Szwarcfiter 3,9

Given a class G of graphs, probe G graphs are defined as follows. A graph G is probe G if there exists a partition of its vertices into a set of probe vertices and a stable set of nonprobe vertices in such a way that non-edges of G, whose endpoints are nonprobe vertices, can be added so that the resulting graph belongs to G. We investigate probe 2-clique graphs and probe diamond-free graphs. For probe 2-clique graphs, we present a polynomial-time recognition algorithm. Probe diamond-free graphs are characterized by minimal forbidden induced subgraphs. As a by-product, it is proved that the class of probe block graphs is the intersection between the classes of chordal graphs and probe diamond-free graphs.

Volume: Vol. 17 no. 1
Section: Graph Theory
Published on: March 28, 2015
Submitted on: January 6, 2014
Keywords: probe graphs,2-clique graphs,diamond-free graphs,[INFO.INFO-DM] Computer Science [cs]/Discrete Mathematics [cs.DM],[INFO.INFO-HC] Computer Science [cs]/Human-Computer Interaction [cs.HC]

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