Svetlana Poznanović
Cycles and sorting index for matchings and restricted permutations
dmtcs:2338 -
Discrete Mathematics & Theoretical Computer Science,
January 1, 2013,
DMTCS Proceedings vol. AS, 25th International Conference on Formal Power Series and Algebraic Combinatorics (FPSAC 2013)
Cycles and sorting index for matchings and restricted permutationsArticle
Authors: Svetlana Poznanović 1
Svetlana Poznanović
1 Department of Mathematical Sciences [Clemson]
We prove that the Mahonian-Stirling pairs of permutation statistics $(sor, cyc)$ and $(∈v , \mathrm{rlmin})$ are equidistributed on the set of permutations that correspond to arrangements of $n$ non-atacking rooks on a fixed Ferrers board with $n$ rows and $n$ columns. The proofs are combinatorial and use bijections between matchings and Dyck paths and a new statistic, sorting index for matchings, that we define. We also prove a refinement of this equidistribution result which describes the minimal elements in the permutation cycles and the right-to-left minimum letters.