Let $A$ be an $n$-element set. Let $\mathscr{L} ie_2(A)$ be the multilinear part of the free Lie algebra on $A$ with a pair of compatible Lie brackets, and $\mathscr{L} ie_2(A, i)$ the subspace of $\mathscr{L} ie_2(A)$ generated by all the monomials in $\mathscr{L} ie_2(A)$ with $i$ brackets of one type. The author and Dotsenko-Khoroshkin show that the dimension of $\mathscr{L} ie_2(A, i)$ is the size of $R_{A,i}$, the set of rooted trees on $A$ with $i$ decreasing edges. There are three families of bases known for $\mathscr{L} ie_2(A, i)$ the comb basis, the Lyndon basis, and the Liu-Lyndon basis. Recently, González D'León and Wachs, in their study of (co)homology of the poset of weighted partitions (which has close connection to $\mathscr{L} ie_2(A, i)$), asked whether there are nice bijections between $R_{A,i}$ and the comb basis or the Lyndon basis. We give a natural definition for " nice bijections " , and conjecture that there is a unique nice bijection between $R_{A,i}$ and the comb basis. We show the conjecture is true for the extreme cases where $i=0$, $n−1$.