Arvind Ayyer ; Jérémie Bouttier ; Svante Linusson ; François Nunzi
Some generalized juggling processes (extended abstract)
dmtcs:2537 -
Discrete Mathematics & Theoretical Computer Science,
January 1, 2015,
DMTCS Proceedings, 27th International Conference on Formal Power Series and Algebraic Combinatorics (FPSAC 2015)
Some generalized juggling processes (extended abstract)Article
4 Laboratoire d'informatique Algorithmique : Fondements et Applications
We consider generalizations of juggling Markov chains introduced by Ayyer, Bouttier, Corteel and Nunzi. We first study multispecies generalizations of all the finite models therein, namely the MJMC, the add-drop and the annihilation models. We then consider the case of several jugglers exchanging balls. In all cases, we give explicit product formulas for the stationary probability and closed-form expressions for the normalization factor if known.