Koji Nuida
Bounds of asymptotic occurrence rates of some patterns in binary words related to integer-valued logistic maps
dmtcs:2696 -
Discrete Mathematics & Theoretical Computer Science,
January 1, 2009,
DMTCS Proceedings vol. AK, 21st International Conference on Formal Power Series and Algebraic Combinatorics (FPSAC 2009)
Bounds of asymptotic occurrence rates of some patterns in binary words related to integer-valued logistic mapsArticle
Authors: Koji Nuida 1
Koji Nuida
1 Research Center for Information Security
In this article, we investigate the asymptotic occurrence rates of specific subwords in any infinite binary word. We prove that the asymptotic occurrence rate for the subwords is upper- and lower-bounded in the same way for every infinite binary word, in terms of the asymptotic occurrence rate of the zeros. We also show that both of the bounds are best-possible by constructing, for each bound, a concrete infinite binary word such that the bound is reached. Moreover, we apply the result to analyses of recently-proposed pseudorandom number generators that are based on integer-valued variants of logistic maps.
Koji Nuida, 2010, Pattern Occurrence in the Dyadic Expansion of Square Root of Two and an Analysis of Pseudorandom Number Generators, arXiv (Cornell University), 10, 1, 10.1515/integ.2010.010.