Michael Fuchs - The variance for partial match retrievals in $k$-dimensional bucket digital trees

dmtcs:2796 - Discrete Mathematics & Theoretical Computer Science, January 1, 2010, DMTCS Proceedings vol. AM, 21st International Meeting on Probabilistic, Combinatorial, and Asymptotic Methods in the Analysis of Algorithms (AofA'10) - https://doi.org/10.46298/dmtcs.2796
The variance for partial match retrievals in $k$-dimensional bucket digital treesArticle

Authors: Michael Fuchs 1

  • 1 Department of Applied Mathematics [Hsinchu]

The variance of partial match queries in $k$-dimensional tries was investigated in a couple of papers in the mid-nineties, the resulting analysis being long and complicated. In this paper, we are going to re-derive these results with a much easier approach. Moreover, our approach works for $k$-dimensional PATRICIA tries, $k$-dimensional digital search trees and bucket versions as well.

Volume: DMTCS Proceedings vol. AM, 21st International Meeting on Probabilistic, Combinatorial, and Asymptotic Methods in the Analysis of Algorithms (AofA'10)
Section: Proceedings
Published on: January 1, 2010
Imported on: January 31, 2017
Keywords: $k$-dimensional digital trees,partial match retrieval,variance,JS-admissibility,Mellin transform,[INFO.INFO-DS] Computer Science [cs]/Data Structures and Algorithms [cs.DS],[MATH.MATH-CO] Mathematics [math]/Combinatorics [math.CO],[INFO.INFO-DM] Computer Science [cs]/Discrete Mathematics [cs.DM],[INFO.INFO-CG] Computer Science [cs]/Computational Geometry [cs.CG]

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