Simple Equational Specifications of Rational ArithmeticArticle
Authors: Lawrence S. Moss 1
Lawrence S. Moss
1 Department of mathematics [Bloomington]
We exhibit an initial specification of the rational numbers equipped with addition, subtraction, multiplication, greatest integer function, and absolute value. Our specification uses only the sort of rational numbers. It uses one hidden function; that function is unary. But it does not use an error constant, or extra (hidden) sorts, or conditional equations. All of our work is elementary and self-contained.
J. A. Bergstra;I. Bethke;A. Ponse, 2012, Cancellation Meadows: A Generic Basis Theorem and Some Applications, arXiv (Cornell University), 56, 1, pp. 3-14, 10.1093/comjnl/bxs028,