dmtcs:3082 -
Discrete Mathematics & Theoretical Computer Science,
January 1, 2012,
DMTCS Proceedings vol. AR, 24th International Conference on Formal Power Series and Algebraic Combinatorics (FPSAC 2012)
Combinatorial specification of permutation classesArticle
This article presents a methodology that automatically derives a combinatorial specification for the permutation class $\mathcal{C} = Av(B)$, given its basis $B$ of excluded patterns and the set of simple permutations in $\mathcal{C}$, when these sets are both finite. This is achieved considering both pattern avoidance and pattern containment constraints in permutations.The obtained specification yields a system of equations satisfied by the generating function of $\mathcal{C}$, this system being always positive and algebraic. It also yields a uniform random sampler of permutations in $\mathcal{C}$. The method presented is fully algorithmic.
Méthodes Algorithmiques de Génération aléatoire Non Uniforme, Modèles et applications.; Funder: French National Research Agency (ANR); Code: ANR-10-BLAN-0204