Matthias Beck ; Yvonne Kemper
Flows on Simplicial Complexes
dmtcs:3085 -
Discrete Mathematics & Theoretical Computer Science,
January 1, 2012,
DMTCS Proceedings vol. AR, 24th International Conference on Formal Power Series and Algebraic Combinatorics (FPSAC 2012)
Flows on Simplicial ComplexesArticle
Authors: Matthias Beck 1; Yvonne Kemper 2
Matthias Beck;Yvonne Kemper
1 Department of Mathematics [San Francisco]
2 Department of Mathematics [Univ California Davis]
Given a graph $G$, the number of nowhere-zero $\mathbb{Z}_q$-flows $\phi _G(q)$ is known to be a polynomial in $q$. We extend the definition of nowhere-zero $\mathbb{Z} _q$-flows to simplicial complexes $\Delta$ of dimension greater than one, and prove the polynomiality of the corresponding function $\phi_{\Delta}(q)$ for certain $q$ and certain subclasses of simplicial complexes.