Tomasz Bartnicki ; Jaroslaw Grytczuk ; Hal Kierstead
The game of arboricity
dmtcs:3428 -
Discrete Mathematics & Theoretical Computer Science,
January 1, 2005,
DMTCS Proceedings vol. AE, European Conference on Combinatorics, Graph Theory and Applications (EuroComb '05)
The game of arboricityArticle
Authors: Tomasz Bartnicki 1; Jaroslaw Grytczuk 1; Hal Kierstead 2
Tomasz Bartnicki;Jaroslaw Grytczuk;Hal Kierstead
1 Faculty of Mathematics, Computer Science and Econometric [Zielona Góra]
2 Department of Mathematics and Statistics [Tempe, Arizona]
Using a fixed set of colors $C$, Ann and Ben color the edges of a graph $G$ so that no monochromatic cycle may appear. Ann wins if all edges of $G$ have been colored, while Ben wins if completing a coloring is not possible. The minimum size of $C$ for which Ann has a winning strategy is called the $\textit{game arboricity}$ of $G$, denoted by $A_g(G)$. We prove that $A_g(G) \leq 3k$ for any graph $G$ of arboricity $k$, and that there are graphs such that $A_g(G) \geq 2k-2$. The upper bound is achieved by a suitable version of the activation strategy, used earlier for the vertex coloring game. We also provide other strategie based on induction.
Fabrice Talla Nobibon;Cor A. J. Hurkens;Roel Leus;Frits C. R. Spieksma, 2011, Coloring Graphs Using Two Colors While Avoiding Monochromatic Cycles, ORBi (University of Liège), 24, 3, pp. 485-499, 10.1287/ijoc.1110.0466,