Konstantinos Panagiotou ; Andreas Weißl
Properties of Random Graphs via Boltzmann Samplers
dmtcs:3552 -
Discrete Mathematics & Theoretical Computer Science,
January 1, 2007,
DMTCS Proceedings vol. AH, 2007 Conference on Analysis of Algorithms (AofA 07)
Properties of Random Graphs via Boltzmann SamplersArticle
Authors: Konstantinos Panagiotou 1; Andreas Weißl
Konstantinos Panagiotou;Andreas Weißl
1 Institute of Theoretical Computer Science [Zurich]
This work is devoted to the understanding of properties of random graphs from graph classes with structural constraints. We propose a method that is based on the analysis of the behaviour of Boltzmann sampler algorithms, and may be used to obtain precise estimates for the maximum degree and maximum size of a biconnected block of a "typical'' member of the class in question. We illustrate how our method works on several graph classes, namely dissections and triangulations of convex polygons, embedded trees, and block and cactus graphs.
Konstantinos Panagiotou;Makrand Sinha, 2009, Vertices of Degree k in Random Unlabeled Trees, Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics, 34, pp. 41-45, 10.1016/j.endm.2009.07.007.