Gregg Musiker
Perfect Matchings and Cluster Algebras of Classical Type
dmtcs:3604 -
Discrete Mathematics & Theoretical Computer Science,
January 1, 2008,
DMTCS Proceedings vol. AJ, 20th Annual International Conference on Formal Power Series and Algebraic Combinatorics (FPSAC 2008)
Perfect Matchings and Cluster Algebras of Classical TypeArticle
Authors: Gregg Musiker 1
Gregg Musiker
1 Department of Mathematics [MIT]
In this paper we give a graph theoretic combinatorial interpretation for the cluster variables that arise in most cluster algebras of finite type. In particular, we provide a family of graphs such that a weighted enumeration of their perfect matchings encodes the numerator of the associated Laurent polynomial while decompositions of the graphs correspond to the denominator. This complements recent work by Schiffler and Carroll-Price for a cluster expansion formula for the $A_n$ case while providing a novel interpretation for the $B_n$, $C_n$, and $D_n$ cases.