François Bergeron ; Aaron Lauve
Invariant and coinvariant spaces for the algebra of symmetric polynomials in non-commuting variables
dmtcs:3606 -
Discrete Mathematics & Theoretical Computer Science,
January 1, 2008,
DMTCS Proceedings vol. AJ, 20th Annual International Conference on Formal Power Series and Algebraic Combinatorics (FPSAC 2008)
Invariant and coinvariant spaces for the algebra of symmetric polynomials in non-commuting variablesArticle
Authors: François Bergeron 1; Aaron Lauve 1
François Bergeron;Aaron Lauve
1 Laboratoire de combinatoire et d'informatique mathématique [Montréal]
We analyze the structure of the algebra $\mathbb{K}\langle \mathbf{x}\rangle^{\mathfrak{S}_n}$ of symmetric polynomials in non-commuting variables in so far as it relates to $\mathbb{K}[\mathbf{x}]^{\mathfrak{S}_n}$, its commutative counterpart. Using the "place-action'' of the symmetric group, we are able to realize the latter as the invariant polynomials inside the former. We discover a tensor product decomposition of $\mathbb{K}\langle \mathbf{x}\rangle^{\mathfrak{S}_n}$ analogous to the classical theorems of Chevalley, Shephard-Todd on finite reflection groups. In the case $|\mathbf{x}|= \infty$, our techniques simplify to a form readily generalized to many other familiar pairs of combinatorial Hopf algebras.