Christian Stump
$q,t$-Fuß-Catalan numbers for complex reflection groups
dmtcs:3639 -
Discrete Mathematics & Theoretical Computer Science,
January 1, 2008,
DMTCS Proceedings vol. AJ, 20th Annual International Conference on Formal Power Series and Algebraic Combinatorics (FPSAC 2008)
$q,t$-Fuß-Catalan numbers for complex reflection groupsArticle
Authors: Christian Stump 1
Christian Stump
1 Faculty of Mathematics [Vienna]
In type $A$, the $q,t$-Fuß-Catalan numbers $\mathrm{Cat}_n^{(m)}(q,t)$ can be defined as a bigraded Hilbert series of a module associated to the symmetric group $\mathcal{S}_n$. We generalize this construction to (finite) complex reflection groups and exhibit some nice conjectured algebraic and combinatorial properties of these polynomials in $q$ and $t$. Finally, we present an idea how these polynomials could be related to some graded Hilbert series of modules arising in the context of rational Cherednik algebras. This is work in progress.
Feng Qi;Bai‐Ni Guo, 2018, Some Properties and Generalizations of the Catalan, Fuss, and Fuss–Catalan Numbers, Mathematical Analysis and Applications, pp. 101-133, 10.1002/9781119414421.ch5.