Chris Berg ; Monica Vazirani
$(\ell, 0)$-Carter Partitions and their crystal theoretic interpretation
dmtcs:3650 -
Discrete Mathematics & Theoretical Computer Science,
January 1, 2008,
DMTCS Proceedings vol. AJ, 20th Annual International Conference on Formal Power Series and Algebraic Combinatorics (FPSAC 2008)
$(\ell, 0)$-Carter Partitions and their crystal theoretic interpretation Article
Authors: Chris Berg 1; Monica Vazirani 1
Chris Berg;Monica Vazirani
1 Department of Mathematics [Univ California Davis]
In this paper we give an alternate combinatorial description of the "$(\ell,0)$-Carter partitions''. Our main theorem is the equivalence of our combinatoric and the one introduced by James and Mathas ($\textit{A q-analogue of the Jantzen-Schaper theorem}$). The condition of being an $(\ell,0)$-Carter partition is fundamentally related to the hook lengths of the partition. The representation-theoretic significance of their combinatoric on an $\ell$-regular partition is that it indicates the irreducibility of the corresponding Specht module over the finite Hecke algebra. We use our result to find a generating series which counts the number of such partitions, with respect to the statistic of a partition's first part. We then apply our description of these partitions to the crystal graph $B(\Lambda_0)$ of the basic representation of $\widehat{\mathfrak{sl}_{\ell}}$, whose nodes are labeled by $\ell$-regular partitions. Here we give a fairly simple crystal-theoretic rule which generates all $(\ell,0)$-Carter partitions in the graph of $B(\Lambda_0)$.
Vertical Integration of Research and Education in the Mathematical Sciences - VIGRE: Research Focus Groups in Mathematics; Funder: National Science Foundation; Code: 0135345
Irreducible Representations of the Affine and Double Affine Hecke Algebras of Type A; Funder: National Science Foundation; Code: 0301320