Katarzyna Rybarczyk - Finding Hamilton cycles in random intersection graphs

dmtcs:3144 - Discrete Mathematics & Theoretical Computer Science, March 5, 2018, Vol. 20 no. 1 - https://doi.org/10.23638/DMTCS-20-1-8
Finding Hamilton cycles in random intersection graphsArticle

Authors: Katarzyna Rybarczyk ORCID

    The construction of the random intersection graph model is based on a random family of sets. Such structures, which are derived from intersections of sets, appear in a natural manner in many applications. In this article we study the problem of finding a Hamilton cycle in a random intersection graph. To this end we analyse a classical algorithm for finding Hamilton cycles in random graphs (algorithm HAM) and study its efficiency on graphs from a family of random intersection graphs (denoted here by G(n,m,p)). We prove that the threshold function for the property of HAM constructing a Hamilton cycle in G(n,m,p) is the same as the threshold function for the minimum degree at least two. Until now, known algorithms for finding Hamilton cycles in G(n,m,p) were designed to work in very small ranges of parameters and, unlike HAM, used the structure of the family of random sets.

    Volume: Vol. 20 no. 1
    Section: Graph Theory
    Published on: March 5, 2018
    Accepted on: January 22, 2018
    Submitted on: February 15, 2017
    Keywords: Mathematics - Combinatorics,05C80, 05C85

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