Ruy Fabila-Monroy;David Flores-Peñaloza;Clemens Huemer;Ferran Hurtado;Jorge Urrutia;David R. Wood
1 Instituto de Matematicas [México]
2 Departamento de Matematicas [Mexico]
3 Applied Mathematics IV Department
4 Departament de Matemàtica Aplicada II
5 Department of Mathematics and Statistics [Melbourne]
This paper studies the chromatic number of the following four flip graphs (under suitable definitions of a flip): the flip graph of perfect matchings of a complete graph of even order, the flip graph of triangulations of a convex polygon (the associahedron), the flip graph of non-crossing Hamiltonian paths of a set of points in convex position, and the flip graph of triangles in a convex point set. We give tight bounds for the latter two cases and upper bounds for the first two.
Stefan Felsner;Linda Kleist;Torsten Mütze;Leon Sering, Symposium on Computational Geometry, Rainbow Cycles in Flip Graphs., pp. 14-, 2018, 10.4230/lipics.socg.2018.38.