Alex McDonough - Determining Genus From Sandpile Torsor Algorithms

dmtcs:6176 - Discrete Mathematics & Theoretical Computer Science, January 7, 2021, vol. 23 no. 1 -
Determining Genus From Sandpile Torsor AlgorithmsArticle

Authors: Alex McDonough ORCID

    We provide a pair of ribbon graphs that have the same rotor routing and Bernardi sandpile torsors, but different topological genus. This resolves a question posed by M. Chan [Cha]. We also show that if we are given a graph, but not its ribbon structure, along with the rotor routing sandpile torsors, we are able to determine the ribbon graph's genus.

    Volume: vol. 23 no. 1
    Section: Combinatorics
    Published on: January 7, 2021
    Accepted on: December 20, 2020
    Submitted on: February 29, 2020
    Keywords: Mathematics - Combinatorics


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