Margaret Archibald ; Aubrey Blecher ; Charlotte Brennan ; Arnold Knopfmacher ; Stephan Wagner et al.
The number of distinct adjacent pairs in geometrically distributed words
Margaret Archibald;Aubrey Blecher;Charlotte Brennan;Arnold Knopfmacher;Stephan Wagner;Mark Ward
A sequence of geometric random variables of length $n$ is a sequence of $n$
independent and identically distributed geometric random variables ($\Gamma_1,
\Gamma_2, \dots, \Gamma_n$) where $\mathbb{P}(\Gamma_j=i)=pq^{i-1}$ for
$1~\leq~j~\leq~n$ with $p+q=1.$ We study the number of distinct adjacent two
letter patterns in such sequences. Initially we directly count the number of
distinct pairs in words of short length. Because of the rapid growth of the
number of word patterns we change our approach to this problem by obtaining an
expression for the expected number of distinct pairs in words of length $n$. We
also obtain the asymptotics for the expected number as $n \to \infty$.
MCTP: Sophomore Transitions: Bridges into a Statistics Major and Big Data Research Experiences via Learning Communities; Funder: National Science Foundation; Code: 1246818
Category I: Anvil - A National Composable Advanced Computational Resource for the Future of Science and Engineering; Funder: National Science Foundation; Code: 2005632
Emerging Frontiers of Science of Information; Funder: National Science Foundation; Code: 0939370