Manuel Bodirsky ; Jakub Rydval ; André Schrottenloher
Universal Horn Sentences and the Joint Embedding Property
dmtcs:7435 -
Discrete Mathematics & Theoretical Computer Science,
May 6, 2022,
vol. 23 no. 2, special issue in honour of Maurice Pouzet
Universal Horn Sentences and the Joint Embedding PropertyArticle
Authors: Manuel Bodirsky ; Jakub Rydval ; André Schrottenloher
Manuel Bodirsky;Jakub Rydval;André Schrottenloher
The finite models of a universal sentence $\Phi$ in a finite relational
signature are the age of a structure if and only if $\Phi$ has the joint
embedding property. We prove that the computational problem whether a given
universal sentence $\Phi$ has the joint embedding property is undecidable, even
if $\Phi$ is additionally Horn and the signature of $\Phi$ only contains
relation symbols of arity at most two.