vol. 26:3

1. A Note on Graph Burning of Path Forests

Ta Sheng Tan ; Wen Chean Teh.
Graph burning is a natural discrete graph algorithm inspired by the spread of social contagion. Despite its simplicity, some open problems remain steadfastly unsolved, notably the burning number conjecture, which says that every connected graph of order $m^2$ has burning number at most $m$. Earlier, we showed that the conjecture also holds for a path forest, which is disconnected, provided each of its paths is sufficiently long. However, finding the least sufficient length for this to hold turns out to be nontrivial. In this note, we present our initial findings and conjectures that associate the problem to some naturally impossibly burnable path forests. It is noteworthy that our problem can be reformulated as a topic concerning sumset partition of integers.
Section: Discrete Algorithms

2. String attractors of Rote sequences

Lubomíra Dvořáková ; Veronika Hendrychová.
In this paper, we describe minimal string attractors (of size two) of pseudopalindromic prefixes of standard complementary-symmetric Rote sequences. Such a class of Rote sequences forms a subclass of binary generalized pseudostandard sequences, i.e., of sequences obtained when iterating palindromic and antipalindromic closures. When iterating only palindromic closure, palindromic prefixes of standard Sturmian sequences are obtained and their string attractors are of size two. However, already when iterating only antipalindromic closure, antipalindromic prefixes of binary pseudostandard sequences are obtained and we prove that the minimal string attractors are of size three in this case. We conjecture that the pseudopalindromic prefixes of any binary generalized pseudostandard sequence have a minimal string attractor of size at most four.
Section: Combinatorics

3. Structural Parameterizations of the Biclique-Free Vertex Deletion Problem

Lito Goldmann ; Leon Kellerhals ; Tomohiro Koana.
In this work, we study the Biclique-Free Vertex Deletion problem: Given a graph $G$ and integers $k$ and $i \le j$, find a set of at most $k$ vertices that intersects every (not necessarily induced) biclique $K_{i, j}$ in $G$. This is a natural generalization of the Bounded-Degree Deletion problem, wherein one asks whether there is a set of at most $k$ vertices whose deletion results in a graph of a given maximum degree $r$. The two problems coincide when $i = 1$ and $j = r + 1$. We show that Biclique-Free Vertex Deletion is fixed-parameter tractable with respect to $k + d$ for the degeneracy $d$ by developing a $2^{O(d k^2)} \cdot n^{O(1)}$-time algorithm. We also show that it can be solved in $2^{O(f k)} \cdot n^{O(1)}$ time for the feedback vertex number $f$ when $i \ge 2$. In contrast, we find that it is W[1]-hard for the treedepth for any integer $i \ge 1$. Finally, we show that Biclique-Free Vertex Deletion has a polynomial kernel for every $i \ge 1$ when parameterized by the feedback edge number. Previously, for this parameter, its fixed-parameter tractability for $i = 1$ was known (Betzler et al., 2012) but the existence of polynomial kernel was open.
Section: Discrete Algorithms

4. Cost-sharing in Parking Games

Jennifer Elder ; Pamela E. Harris ; Jan Kretschmann ; J. Carlos Martínez Mori.
In this paper, we study the total displacement statistic of parking functions from the perspective of cooperative game theory. We introduce parking games, which are coalitional cost-sharing games in characteristic function form derived from the total displacement statistic. We show that parking games are supermodular cost-sharing games, indicating that cooperation is difficult (i.e., their core is empty). Next, we study their Shapley value, which formalizes a notion of "fair" cost-sharing and amounts to charging each car for its expected marginal displacement under a random arrival order. Our main contribution is a polynomial-time algorithm to compute the Shapley value of parking games, in contrast with known hardness results on computing the Shapley value of arbitrary games. The algorithm leverages the permutation-invariance of total displacement, combinatorial enumeration, and dynamic programming. We conclude with open questions around an alternative solution concept for supermodular cost-sharing games and connections to other areas in combinatorics.
Section: Combinatorics

5. On $[1,2]$-Domination in Interval and Circle Graphs

Mohsen Alambardar Meybodi ; Abolfazl Poureidi.
A subset $S$ of vertices in a graph $G=(V, E)$ is a Dominating Set if each vertex in $V(G)\setminus S$ is adjacent to at least one vertex in $S$. Chellali et al. in 2013, by restricting the number of neighbors in $S$ of a vertex outside $S$, introduced the concept of $[1,j]$-dominating set. A set $D \subseteq V$ of a graph $G = (V, E)$ is called a $[1,j]$-Dominating Set of $G$ if every vertex not in $D$ has at least one neighbor and at most $j$ neighbors in $D$. The Minimum $[1,j]$-Domination problem is the problem of finding the minimum $[1,j]$-dominating set $D$. Given a positive integer $k$ and a graph $G = (V, E)$, the $[1,j]$-Domination Decision problem is to decide whether $G$ has a $[1,j]$-dominating set of cardinality at most $k$. A polynomial-time algorithm was obtained in split graphs for a constant $j$ in contrast to the Dominating Set problem which is NP-hard for split graphs. This result motivates us to investigate the effect of restriction $j$ on the complexity of $[1,j]$-domination problem on various classes of graphs. Although for $j\geq 3$, it has been proved that the minimum of classical domination is equal to minimum $[1,j]$-domination in interval graphs, the complexity of finding the minimum $[1,2]$-domination in interval graphs is still outstanding. In this paper, we propose a polynomial-time algorithm for computing a minimum $[1,2]$-dominating set on interval graphs by a dynamic programming technique. Next, on the negative side, we show that the minimum […]
Section: Discrete Algorithms

6. Uniquely hamiltonian graphs for many sets of degrees

Gunnar Brinkmann ; Matthias De Pauw.
We give constructive proofs for the existence of uniquely hamiltonian graphs for various sets of degrees. We give constructions for all sets with minimum 2 (a trivial case added for completeness), all sets with minimum 3 that contain an even number (for sets without an even number it is known that no uniquely hamiltonian graphs exist), and all sets with minimum 4, except {4}, {4,5}, and {4,6}. For minimum degree 3 and 4, the constructions also give 3-connected graphs. We also introduce the concept of seeds, which makes the above results possible and might be useful in the study of Sheehan's conjecture. Furthermore, we prove that 3-connected uniquely hamiltonian 4-regular graphs exist if and only if 2-connected uniquely hamiltonian 4-regular graphs exist.
Section: Graph Theory

7. Minor-closed classes of binary functions

Benjamin R. Jones.
Binary functions are a generalisation of the cocircuit spaces of binary matroids to arbitrary functions. Every rank function is assigned a binary function, and the deletion and contraction operations of binary functions generalise matroid deletion and contraction. We give the excluded minor characterisations for the classes of binary functions with well defined minors, and those with an associated rank function. Within these classes, we also characterise the classes of binary functions corresponding to polymatroids, matroids and binary matroids by their excluded minors. This gives a new proof of Tutte's excluded minor characterisation of binary matroids in the more generalised space of binary functions.
Section: Combinatorics

8. Generating Plane Quadrangulations and Symmetry-preserving Operations on Maps

Heidi Van den Camp ; Brendan D. McKay.
Lopsp-operations are operations on maps that are applied locally and are guaranteed to preserve all the orientation-preserving symmetries of maps. Well-known examples of such operations are dual, ambo, truncation, and leapfrog. They are described by plane 3-coloured triangulations with specific properties. We developed and implemented a program that can generate all lopsp-operations of a given size by reducing the problem of generating lopsp-operations to generating all plane quadrangulations that are not necessarily simple. We extended the program plantri to generate these quadrangulations.
Section: Discrete Algorithms

9. On Generalizations of Pairwise Compatibility Graphs

Tiziana Calamoneri ; Manuel Lafond ; Angelo Monti ; Blerina Sinaimeri.
A graph $G$ is a pairwise compatibility graph (PCG) if there exists an edge-weighted tree and an interval $I$, such that each leaf of the tree is a vertex of the graph, and there is an edge $\{ x, y \}$ in $G$ if and only if the weight of the path in the tree connecting $x$ and $y$ lies within the interval $I$. Originating in phylogenetics, PCGs are closely connected to important graph classes like leaf-powers and multi-threshold graphs, widely applied in bioinformatics, especially in understanding evolutionary processes. In this paper we introduce two natural generalizations of the PCG class, namely $k$-OR-PCG and $k$-AND-PCG, which are the classes of graphs that can be expressed as union and intersection, respectively, of $k$ PCGs. These classes can be also described using the concepts of the covering number and the intersection dimension of a graph in relation to the PCG class. We investigate how the classes of OR-PCG and AND-PCG are related to PCGs, $k$-interval-PCGs and other graph classes known in the literature. In particular, we provide upper bounds on the minimum $k$ for which an arbitrary graph $G$ belongs to $k$-interval-PCGs, $k$-OR-PCG or $k$-AND-PCG classes. For particular graph classes we improve these general bounds. Moreover, we show that, for every integer $k$, there exists a bipartite graph that is not in the $k$-interval-PCGs class, proving that there is no finite $k$ for which the $k$-interval-PCG class contains all the graphs. This answers an open […]
Section: Graph Theory

10. $2$-polarity and algorithmic aspects of polarity variants on cograph superclasses

Fernando Esteban Contreras-Mendoza ; César Hernández-Cruz.
A graph $G$ is said to be an $(s, k)$-polar graph if its vertex set admits a partition $(A, B)$ such that $A$ and $B$ induce, respectively, a complete $s$-partite graph and the disjoint union of at most $k$ complete graphs. Polar graphs and monopolar graphs are defined as $(\infty, \infty)$- and $(1, \infty)$-polar graphs, respectively, and unipolar graphs are those graphs with a polar partition $(A, B)$ such that $A$ is a clique. The problems of deciding whether an arbitrary graph is a polar graph or a monopolar graph are known to be NP-complete. In contrast, deciding whether a graph is a unipolar graph can be done in polynomial time. In this work we prove that the three previous problems can be solved in linear time on the classes of $P_4$-sparse and $P_4$-extendible graphs, generalizing analogous results previously known for cographs. Additionally, we provide finite forbidden subgraph characterizations for $(2,2)$-polar graphs on $P_4$-sparse and $P_4$-extendible graphs, also generalizing analogous results recently obtained for the class of cographs.
Section: Graph Theory

11. Recognition of chordal graphs and cographs which are Cover-Incomparability graphs

Arun Anil ; Manoj Changat.
Cover-Incomparability graphs (C-I graphs) are an interesting class of graphs from posets. A C-I graph is a graph from a poset $P=(V,\le)$ with vertex set $V$, and the edge-set is the union of edge sets of the cover graph and the incomparability graph of the poset. The recognition of the C-I graphs is known to be NP-complete (Maxová et al., Order 26(3), 229--236(2009)). In this paper, we prove that chordal graphs having at most two independent simplicial vertices are exactly the chordal graphs which are also C-I graphs. A similar result is obtained for cographs as well. Using the structural results of these graphs, we derive linear time recognition algorithms for chordal graphs and cographs which are C-I graphs.
Section: Discrete Algorithms

12. Topology of matching complexes of complete graphs via discrete Morse theory

Anupam Mondal ; Sajal Mukherjee ; Kuldeep Saha.
Bouc (1992) first studied the topological properties of $M_n$, the matching complex of the complete graph of order $n$, in connection with Brown complexes and Quillen complexes. Björner et al. (1994) showed that $M_n$ is homotopically $(\nu_n-1)$-connected, where $\nu_n=\lfloor{\frac{n+1}{3}}\rfloor-1$, and conjectured that this connectivity bound is sharp. Shareshian and Wachs (2007) settled the conjecture by inductively showing that the $\nu_n$-dimensional homology group of $M_n$ is nontrivial, with Bouc's calculation of $H_1(M_7)$ serving as the pivotal base step. In general, the topology of $M_n$ is not very well-understood, even for a small $n$. In the present article, we look into the topology of $M_n$, and $M_7$ in particular, in the light of discrete Morse theory as developed by Forman (1998). We first construct a gradient vector field on $M_n$ (for $n \ge 5$) that doesn't admit any critical simplices of dimension up to $\nu_n-1$, except one unavoidable $0$-simplex, which also leads to the aforementioned $(\nu_n-1)$-connectedness of $M_n$ in a purely combinatorial way. However, for an efficient homology computation by discrete Morse theoretic techniques, we are required to work with a gradient vector field that admits a low number of critical simplices, and also allows an efficient enumeration of gradient paths. An optimal gradient vector field is one with the least number of critical simplices, but the problem of finding an optimal gradient vector field, […]
Section: Combinatorics

13. Zero-sum partitions of Abelian groups and their applications to magic- and antimagic-type labelings

Sylwia Cichacz ; Karol Suchan.
The following problem has been known since the 80s. Let $\Gamma$ be an Abelian group of order $m$ (denoted $|\Gamma|=m$), and let $t$ and $\{m_i\}_{i=1}^{t}$, be positive integers such that $\sum_{i=1}^t m_i=m-1$. Determine when $\Gamma^*=\Gamma\setminus\{0\}$, the set of non-zero elements of $\Gamma$, can be partitioned into disjoint subsets $\{S_i\}_{i=1}^{t}$ such that $|S_i|=m_i$ and $\sum_{s\in S_i}s=0$ for every $1 \leq i \leq t$. Such a subset partition is called a \textit{zero-sum partition}. $|I(\Gamma)|\neq 1$, where $I(\Gamma)$ is the set of involutions in $\Gamma$, is a necessary condition for the existence of zero-sum partitions. In this paper, we show that the additional condition of $m_i\geq 4$ for every $1 \leq i \leq t$, is sufficient. Moreover, we present some applications of zero-sum partitions to magic- and antimagic-type labelings of graphs.
Section: Combinatorics

14. Ammann Bars for Octagonal Tilings

Thomas Fernique ; Carole Porrier.
Ammann bars are formed by segments (decorations) on the tiles of a tiling such that forming straight lines with them while tiling forces non-periodicity. Only a few cases are known, starting with Robert Ammann's observations on Penrose tiles, but there is no general explanation or construction. In this article we propose a general method for cut and project tilings based on the notion of subperiods and we illustrate it with an aperiodic set of 36 decorated prototiles related to what we called Cyrenaic tilings.
Section: Combinatorics

15. On the mod $k$ chromatic index of graphs

Oothan Nweit ; Daqing Yang.
For a graph $G$ and an integer $k\geq 2$, a $\chi'_{k}$-coloring of $G$ is an edge coloring of $G$ such that the subgraph induced by the edges of each color has all degrees congruent to $1 ~ (\mod k)$, and $\chi'_{k}(G)$ is the minimum number of colors in a $\chi'_{k}$-coloring of $G$. In ["The mod $k$ chromatic index of graphs is $O(k)$", J. Graph Theory. 2023; 102: 197-200], Botler, Colucci and Kohayakawa proved that $\chi'_{k}(G)\leq 198k-101$ for every graph $G$. In this paper, we show that $\chi'_{k}(G) \leq 177k-93$.
Section: Graph Theory

16. Spanning trees for many different numbers of leaves

Kenta Noguchi ; Carol T. Zamfirescu.
Let $G$ be a connected graph and $L(G)$ the set of all integers $k$ such that $G$ contains a spanning tree with exactly $k$ leaves. We show that for a connected graph $G$, the set $L(G)$ is contiguous. It follows from work of Chen, Ren, and Shan that every connected and locally connected $n$-vertex graph -- this includes triangulations -- has a spanning tree with at least $n/2 + 1$ leaves, so by a classic theorem of Whitney and our result, in any plane $4$-connected $n$-vertex triangulation one can find for any integer $k$ which is at least $2$ and at most $n/2 + 1$ a spanning tree with exactly $k$ leaves (and each of these trees can be constructed in polynomial time). We also prove that there exist infinitely many $n$ such that there is a plane $4$-connected $n$-vertex triangulation containing a spanning tree with $2n/3$ leaves, but no spanning tree with more than $2n/3$ leaves.
Section: Graph Theory

17. About the determinant of complete non-ambiguous trees

Jean-Christophe Aval.
Complete non-ambiguous trees (CNATs) are combinatorial objects which appear in various contexts.Recently, Chen and Ohlig studied the notion of permutations associated to these objects, and proposed a series of nice conjectures.Most of them were proved by Selig and Zhu, through a connection with the abelian sandpile model.But one conjecture remained open, about the distribution of a natural statistic named determinant.We prove this conjecture, in a bijective way.
Section: Combinatorics

18. The Widths of Strict Outerconfluent Graphs

David Eppstein.
Strict outerconfluent drawing is a style of graph drawing in which vertices are drawn on the boundary of a disk, adjacencies are indicated by the existence of smooth curves through a system of tracks within the disk, and no two adjacent vertices are connected by more than one of these smooth tracks. We investigate graph width parameters on the graphs that have drawings in this style. We prove that the clique-width of these graphs is unbounded, but their twin-width is bounded.
Section: Graph Theory

19. On the Advice Complexity of Online Matching on the Line

Béla Csaba ; Judit Nagy-György.
We consider the matching problem on the line with advice complexity. We give a 1-competitive online algorithm with advice complexity $n-1,$ and show that there is no 1-competitive online algorithm reading less than $n-1$ bits of advice. Moreover, for each $0<k<n$ we present a $c(n/k)$-competitive online algorithm with advice complexity $O(k(\log N + \log n))$ where $n$ is the number of servers, $N$ is the distance of the minimal and maximal servers, and $c(n)$ is the complexity of the best online algorithm without advice.
Section: Discrete Algorithms

20. Approximating optimization problems in graphs with locational uncertainty

Marin Bougeret ; Jérémy Omer ; Michael Poss.
Many combinatorial optimization problems can be formulated as the search for a subgraph that satisfies certain properties and minimizes the total weight. We assume here that the vertices correspond to points in a metric space and can take any position in given uncertainty sets. Then, the cost function to be minimized is the sum of the distances for the worst positions of the vertices in their uncertainty sets. We propose two types of polynomial-time approximation algorithms. The first one relies on solving a deterministic counterpart of the problem where the uncertain distances are replaced with maximum pairwise distances. We study in details the resulting approximation ratio, which depends on the structure of the feasible subgraphs and whether the metric space is Ptolemaic or not. The second algorithm is a fully-polynomial time approximation scheme for the special case of $s-t$ paths.
Section: Combinatorics