Jean-Claude Bermond ; Takako Kodate ; Joseph Yu - Gossiping with interference in radio ring networks

dmtcs:9399 - Discrete Mathematics & Theoretical Computer Science, October 2, 2023, vol. 25:2 -
Gossiping with interference in radio ring networksArticle

Authors: Jean-Claude Bermond 1; Takako Kodate 2; Joseph Yu 3,4

  • 1 Combinatorics, Optimization and Algorithms for Telecommunications
  • 2 Tokyo Woman's Christian University
  • 3 University College of the Fraser Valley
  • 4 Department of Mathematics, University of the Fraser Valley, B.C., Canada

In this paper, we study the problem of gossiping with interference constraint in radio ring networks. Gossiping (or total exchange information) is a protocol where each node in the network has a message and is expected to distribute its own message to every other node in the network. The gossiping problem consists in finding the minimum running time (makespan) of a gossiping protocol and algorithms that attain this makespan. We focus on the case where the transmission network is a ring network. We consider synchronous protocols where it takes one unit of time (step) to transmit a unit-length message. During one step, a node receives at most one message only through one of its two neighbors. We also suppose that, during one step, a node cannot be both a sender and a receiver (half duplex model). Moreover communication is subject to interference constraints. We use a primary node interference model where, if a node receives a message from one of its neighbors, its other neighbor cannot send at the same time. With these assumptions we completely solve the problem for ring networks. We first show lower bounds and then give gossiping algorithms which meet these lower bounds and so are optimal. The number of rounds depends on the congruences of n modulo 12.

Volume: vol. 25:2
Section: Discrete Algorithms
Published on: October 2, 2023
Accepted on: June 24, 2023
Submitted on: April 28, 2022
Keywords: Gossiping,Radio Networks,Interference,Rings,[INFO]Computer Science [cs],[MATH]Mathematics [math]
    Source : HAL
  • Idex UCA JEDI; Funder: French National Research Agency (ANR); Code: ANR-15-IDEX-0001
  • Digraphes; Funder: French National Research Agency (ANR); Code: ANR-19-CE48-0013


Mathematics Subject Classification 20201

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