A general lattice theoretic construction of Reading constructs Hopf subalgebras of the Malvenuto-Reutenauer Hopf algebra (MR) of permutations. The products and coproducts of these Hopf subalgebras are defined extrinsically in terms of the embedding in MR. The goal of this paper is to find an intrinsic combinatorial description of a particular one of these Hopf subalgebras. This Hopf algebra has a natural basis given by permutations that we call Pell permutations. The Pell permutations are in bijection with combinatorial objects that we call sashes, that is, tilings of a 1 by n rectangle with three types of tiles: black 1 by 1 squares, white 1 by 1 squares, and white 1 by 2 rectangles. The bijection induces a Hopf algebra structure on sashes. We describe the product and coproduct in terms of sashes, and the natural partial order on sashes. We also describe the dual coproduct and dual product of the dual Hopf algebra of sashes.