Masao Ishikawa ; Anisse Kasraoui ; Jiang Zeng - Computing generating functions of ordered partitions with the transfer-matrix method

dmtcs:3508 - Discrete Mathematics & Theoretical Computer Science, January 1, 2006, DMTCS Proceedings vol. AG, Fourth Colloquium on Mathematics and Computer Science Algorithms, Trees, Combinatorics and Probabilities -
Computing generating functions of ordered partitions with the transfer-matrix methodArticle

Authors: Masao Ishikawa 1; Anisse Kasraoui 2; Jiang Zeng ORCID2

An ordered partition of $[n]:=\{1,2,\ldots, n\}$ is a sequence of disjoint and nonempty subsets, called blocks, whose union is $[n]$. The aim of this paper is to compute some generating functions of ordered partitions by the transfer-matrix method. In particular, we prove several conjectures of Steingrímsson, which assert that the generating function of some statistics of ordered partitions give rise to a natural $q$-analogue of $k!S(n,k)$, where $S(n,k)$ is the Stirling number of the second kind.

Volume: DMTCS Proceedings vol. AG, Fourth Colloquium on Mathematics and Computer Science Algorithms, Trees, Combinatorics and Probabilities
Section: Proceedings
Published on: January 1, 2006
Imported on: May 10, 2017
Keywords: determinants,Ordered partitions,Euler-Mahonian statistics,$q$-Stirling numbers of second kind,transfer-matrix method,[INFO.INFO-DS] Computer Science [cs]/Data Structures and Algorithms [cs.DS],[INFO.INFO-DM] Computer Science [cs]/Discrete Mathematics [cs.DM],[MATH.MATH-CO] Mathematics [math]/Combinatorics [math.CO]

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