This work enrols the research line of M. Haiman on the Operator Theorem (the old operator conjecture). This theorem states that the smallest Sn-module closed under taking partial derivatives and closed under the action of polarization operators that contains the Vandermonde determinant is the space of diagonal harmonics polynomials. We start generalizing the context of this theorem to the context of polynomials in ℓ sets of n variables xij with 1≤i≤ℓ and 1≤j≤n. Given a Sn-stable family of homogeneous polynomials in the variables xij the smallest vector space closed under taking partial derivatives and closed under the action of polarization operators that contains F is the polarization module generated by the family F. These polarization modules are all representation of the direct product Sn×GLℓ(C). In order to study the decomposition into irreducible submodules, we compute the graded Frobenius characteristic of these modules. For several cases of Sn-stable families of homogeneous polynomials in n variables, for every n≥1, we show general formulas for this graded characteristic in a global manner, independent of the value of ℓ.
The depth statistic was defined for every Coxeter group in terms of factorizations of its elements into product of reflections. Essentially, the depth gives the minimal path cost in the Bruaht graph, where the edges have prescribed weights. We present an algorithm for calculating the depth of a signed permutation which yields a simple formula for this statistic. We use our algorithm to characterize signed permutations having depth equal to length. These are the fully commutative top-and-bottom elements defined by Stembridge. We finally give a characterization of the signed permutations in which the reflection length coincides with both the depth and the length.
The goal of this paper is to provide a combinatorial expression for the steady state probabilities of the twospecies PASEP. In this model, there are two species of particles, one “heavy” and one “light”, on a one-dimensional finite lattice with open boundaries. Both particles can hop into adjacent holes to the right and left at rates 1 and q. Moreover, when the heavy and light particles are adjacent to each other, they can switch places as if the light particle were a hole. Additionally, the heavy particle can hop in and out at the boundary of the lattice. Our first result is a combinatorial interpretation for the stationary distribution at q=0 in terms of certain multi-Catalan tableaux. We provide an explicit determinantal formula for the steady state probabilities, as well as some general enumerative results for this case. We also describe a Markov process on these tableaux that projects to the two-species PASEP, and hence directly explains the connection between the two. Finally, we extend our formula for the stationary distribution to the q=1 case, using certain two-species alternative tableaux.
We give a new formula for the weighted high-dimensional tree-numbers of matroid complexes. This formula is derived from our result that the spectra of the weighted combinatorial Laplacians of matroid complexes consist of polynomials in the weights. In the formula, Crapo’s β-invariant appears as the key factor relating weighted combinatorial Laplacians and weighted tree-numbers for matroid complexes.
The Tamari order is a central object in algebraic combinatorics and many other areas. Defined as the transitive closure of an associativity law, the Tamari order possesses a surprisingly rich structure: it is a congruence-uniform lattice. In this work, we consider a larger class of posets, the Grassmann-Tamari orders, which arise as an ordering on the facets of the non-crossing complex introduced by Pylyavskyy, Petersen, and Speyer. We prove that the Grassmann-Tamari orders are congruence-uniform lattices, which resolves a conjecture of Santos, Stump, and Welker. Towards this goal, we define a closure operator on sets of paths inside a rectangle, and prove that the biclosed sets of paths, ordered by inclusion, form a congruence-uniform lattice. We then prove that the Grassmann-Tamari order is a quotient lattice of the corresponding lattice of biclosed sets.
We study the uniform random graph Cn with n vertices drawn from a subcritical class of connected graphs. Our main result is that the rescaled graph Cn/√n converges to the Brownian Continuum Random Tree Te multiplied by a constant scaling factor that depends on the class under consideration. In addition, we provide subgaussian tail bounds for the diameter D(Cn) and height H(C∙n) of the rooted random graph C∙n. We give analytic expressions for the scaling factor of several classes, including for example the prominent class of outerplanar graphs. Our methods also enable us to study first passage percolation on Cn, where we show the convergence to Te under an appropriate rescaling.
To each finite subset of a discrete grid N×N (a diagram), one can associate a subvariety of a complex Grassmannian (a diagram variety), and a representation of a symmetric group (a Specht module). Liu has conjectured that the cohomology class of a diagram variety is represented by the Frobenius characteristic of the corresponding Specht module. We give a counterexample to this conjecture.However, we show that for the diagram variety of a permutation diagram, Liu's conjectured cohomology class σ is at least an upper bound on the actual class τ, in the sense that σ−τ is a nonnegative linear combination of Schubert classes. To do this, we consider a degeneration of Coskun's rank varieties which contains the appropriate diagram variety as a component. Rank varieties are instances of Knutson-Lam-Speyer's positroid varieties, whose cohomology classes are represented by affine Stanley symmetric functions. We show that the cohomology class of a rank variety is in fact represented by an ordinary Stanley symmetric function.
We extend the classification of nearest neighbour walks in the quarter plane to models in which multiplicities are attached to each direction in the step set. Our study leads to a small number of infinite families that completely characterize all the models whose associated group is D4, D6, or D8. These families cover all the models with multiplicites 0, 1, 2, or 3, which were experimentally found to be D-finite — with three noteworthy exceptions.
We show that several of the main structural constants for symmetric functions (Littlewood-Richardsoncoefficients, Kronecker coefficients, plethysm coefficients, and the Kostka–Foulkes polynomials) share invarianceproperties related to the operations of taking complements with respect to rectangles and adding rectangles.
We present a new method to obtain the generating functions for directed convex polyominoes according to several different statistics including: width, height, size of last column/row and number of corners. This method can be used to study different families of directed convex polyominoes: symmetric polyominoes, parallelogram polyominoes. In this paper, we apply our method to determine the generating function for directed k-convex polyominoes.We show it is a rational function and we study its asymptotic behavior.
Given an irreducible well-generated complex reflection group W with Coxeter number h, we call a Coxeter element any regular element (in the sense of Springer) of order h in W; this is a slight extension of the most common notion of Coxeter element. We show that the class of these Coxeter elements forms a single orbit in W under the action of reflection automorphisms. For Coxeter and Shephard groups, this implies that an element c is a Coxeter element if and only if there exists a simple system S of reflections such that c is the product of the generators in S. We moreover deduce multiple further implications of this property. In particular, we obtain that all noncrossing partition lattices of W associated to different Coxeter elements are isomorphic. We also prove that there is a simply transitive action of the Galois group of the field of definition of W on the set of conjugacy classes of Coxeter elements. Finally, we extend several of these properties to Springer's regular elements of arbitrary order.
We derive combinatorial identities for variables satisfying specific sets of commutation relations. The identities thus obtained extend corresponding ones for q-commuting variables x and y satisfying yx=qxy. In particular, we obtain weight-dependent binomial theorems, functional equations for generalized exponential functions, we propose a derivative of noncommuting variables, and finally utilize one of the considered weight functions to extend rook theory. This leads us to an extension of the q-Stirling numbers of the second kind, and of the q-Lah numbers.
We develop a diagrammatic categorification of the polynomial ring Z[x], based on a geometrically-defined graded algebra and show how to lift various operations on polynomials to the categorified setting. Our categorification satisfies a version of the Bernstein-Gelfand-Gelfand reciprocity property, with indecomposable projective modules corresponding to xn and standard modules to (x−1)n in the Grothendieck ring. This construction generalizes tocategorification of various orthogonal polynomials.
The structure of zero and nonzero minors in the Grassmannian leads to rich combinatorics of matroids. In this paper, we investigate an even richer structure of possible equalities and inequalities between the minors in the positive Grassmannian. It was previously shown that arrangements of equal minors of largest value are in bijection with the simplices in a certain triangulation of the hypersimplex that was studied by Stanley, Sturmfels, Lam and Postnikov. Here we investigate the entire set of arrangements and its relations with this triangulation. First, we show that second largest minors correspond to the facets of the simplices. We then introduce the notion of cubical distance on the dual graph of the triangulation, and study its relations with the arrangement of t-th largest minors. Finally, we show that arrangements of largest minors induce a structure of partially ordered sets on the entire collection of minors. We use the Lam and Postnikov circuit triangulation of the hypersimplex to describe a 2-dimensional grid structure of this poset.
We provide a new description of the Pieri rule of the homology of the affine Grassmannian and an affineanalogue of the charge statistics in terms of bounded partitions. This makes it possible to extend the formulation ofthe Kostka–Foulkes polynomials in terms of solvable lattice models by Nakayashiki and Yamada to the affine setting.
We give an exact enumerative formula for the minimal acyclic deterministic finite automata. This formula is obtained from a bijection between a family of generalized parking functions and the transitions functions of acyclic automata.
Let In be the set of involutions in the symmetric group Sn, and for A⊆{0,1,…,n}, let FAn={σ∈In∣σ has a fixed points for some a∈A}.We give a complete characterisation of the sets A for which FAn, with the order induced by the Bruhat order on Sn, is a graded poset. In particular, we prove that F{1}n (i.e., the set of involutions with exactly one fixed point) is graded, which settles a conjecture of Hultman in the affirmative. When FAn is graded, we give its rank function. We also give a short new proof of the EL-shellability of F{0}n (i.e., the set of fixed point-free involutions), which was recently proved by Can, Cherniavsky, and Twelbeck.
This extended abstract presents some recent (exact and asymptotic) enumerative results concerning rhombustilings of hexagons that have had symmetrically distributed inward pointing triangles of side length 2 removedfrom their interiors. These results form part of a larger article that is currently available online (arXiv:1501.05772).
We study tilings with lozenges of a domain with free boundary conditions on one side. These correspondto boxed symmetric plane partitions. We show that the positions of the horizontal lozenges near the left flatboundary, in the limit, have the same joint distribution as the eigenvalues from a Gaussian Unitary Ensemble (theGUE-corners/minors process). We also prove the existence of a limit shape of the height function (the symmetricplane partition). We also consider domains where the sides converge to ∞ at different rates and recover again theGUE-corners process.
We introduce the Tesler polytope Tesn(a), whose integer points are the Tesler matrices of size n with hook sums a1,a2,...,aninZ≥0. We show that Tesn(a) is a flow polytope and therefore the number of Tesler matrices is counted by the type An Kostant partition function evaluated at (a1,a2,...,an,−∑ni=1ai). We describe the faces of this polytope in terms of "Tesler tableaux" and characterize when the polytope is simple. We prove that the h-vector of Tesn(a) when all ai>0 is given by the Mahonian numbers and calculate the volume of Tesn(1,1,...,1) to be a product of consecutive Catalan numbers multiplied by the number of standard Young tableaux of staircase shape.
In the past decade, the use of ordinal patterns in the analysis of time series and dynamical systems has become an important tool. Ordinal patterns (otherwise known as a permutation patterns) are found in time series by taking n data points at evenly-spaced time intervals and mapping them to a length-n permutation determined by relative ordering. The frequency with which certain patterns occur is a useful statistic for such series. However, the behavior of the frequency of pattern occurrence is unstudied for most models. We look at the frequency of pattern occurrence in random walks in discrete time, and we define a natural equivalence relation on permutations under which equivalent patterns appear with equal frequency, regardless of probability distribution. We characterize these equivalence classes applying combinatorial methods.
It was proved by Rubey that the number of fillings with zeros and ones of a given moon polyomino thatdo not contain a northeast chain of a fixed size depends only on the set of column lengths of the polyomino. Rubey’sproof uses an adaption of jeu de taquin and promotion for arbitrary fillings of moon polyominoes and deduces theresult for 01-fillings via a variation of the pigeonhole principle. In this paper we present the first completely bijectiveproof of this result by considering fillings of almost-moon polyominoes, which are moon polyominoes after removingone of the rows. More precisely, we construct a simple bijection which preserves the size of the largest northeast chainof the fillings when two adjacent rows of the polyomino are exchanged. This bijection also preserves the column sumof the fillings. In addition, we also present a simple bijection that preserves the size of the largest northeast chains, therow sum and the column sum if every row of the filling has at most one 1. Thereby, we not only provide a bijectiveproof of Rubey’s result but also two refinements of it.
Given a permutation π=π1π2⋯πn∈Sn, we say an index i is a peak if πi−1<πi>πi+1. Let P(π) denote the set of peaks of π. Given any set S of positive integers, define PS(n)={π∈Sn:P(π)=S}. Billey-Burdzy-Sagan showed that for all fixed subsets of positive integers S and sufficiently large n, |PS(n)|=pS(n)2n−|S|−1 for some polynomial pS(x) depending on S. They conjectured that the coefficients of pS(x) expanded in a binomial coefficient basis centered at max(S) are all positive. We show that this is a consequence of a stronger conjecture that bounds the modulus of the roots of pS(x). Furthermore, we give an efficient explicit formula for peak polynomials in the binomial basis centered at 0, which we use to identify many integer roots of peak polynomials along with certain inequalities and identities.
Shapiro and Chekhov (2011) have introduced the notion of <i>generalised cluster algebra</i>; we focus on an example in type Cn. On the other hand, Chari and Pressley (1997), as well as Frenkel and Mukhin (2002), have studied the <i>restricted integral form</i> Uresε(ˆg) of a quantum affine algebra Uq(ˆg) where q=ε is a root of unity. Our main result states that the Grothendieck ring of a tensor subcategory Cεz of representations of Uresε(Lsl2) is a generalised cluster algebra of type Cl−1, where l is the order of ε2. We also state a conjecture for Uresε(Lsl3), and sketch a proof for l=2.
Let A be an n-element set. Let Lie2(A) be the multilinear part of the free Lie algebra on A with a pair of compatible Lie brackets, and Lie2(A,i) the subspace of Lie2(A) generated by all the monomials in Lie2(A) with i brackets of one type. The author and Dotsenko-Khoroshkin show that the dimension of Lie2(A,i) is the size of RA,i, the set of rooted trees on A with i decreasing edges. There are three families of bases known for Lie2(A,i) the comb basis, the Lyndon basis, and the Liu-Lyndon basis. Recently, González D'León and Wachs, in their study of (co)homology of the poset of weighted partitions (which has close connection to Lie2(A,i)), asked whether there are nice bijections between RA,i and the comb basis or the Lyndon basis. We give a natural definition for " nice bijections " , and conjecture that there is a unique nice bijection between RA,i and the comb basis. We show the conjecture is true for the extreme cases where i=0, n−1.
Using the powerful machinery available for reduced words of type B, we demonstrate a bijection between centrally symmetric k-triangulations of a 2(n+k)-gon and plane partitions of height at most k in a square of size n. This bijection can be viewed as the type B analogue of a bijection for k-triangulations due to L. Serrano and C. Stump.
We introduce genomic tableaux, with applications to Schubert calculus. We report a combinatorial rule for structure coefficients in the torus-equivariant K-theory of Grassmannians for the basis of Schubert structure sheaves. This rule is positive in the sense of [Anderson-Griffeth-Miller ’11]. We thereby deduce an earlier conjecture of [Thomas-Yong ’13] for the coefficients. Moreover, our rule specializes to give a new Schubert calculus rule in the (non-equivariant) K-theory of Grassmannians. From this perspective, we also obtain a new rule for K-theoretic Schubert structure constants of maximal orthogonal Grassmannians, and give conjectural bounds on such constants for Lagrangian Grassmannians.
We use the modules introduced by Kraśkiewicz and Pragacz (1987, 2004) to show some positivity propertiesof Schubert polynomials. We give a new proof to the classical fact that the product of two Schubert polynomialsis Schubert-positive, and also show a new result that the plethystic composition of a Schur function with a Schubertpolynomial is Schubert-positive. The present submission is an extended abstract on these results and the full versionof this work will be published elsewhere.
Alignments, crossings and inversions of signed permutations are realized in the corresponding permutation tableaux of type B, and the cycles of signed permutations are understood in the corresponding bare tableaux of type B. We find the relation between the number of alignments, crossings and other statistics of signed permutations, and also characterize the covering relation in weak Bruhat order on Coxeter system of type B in terms of permutation tableaux of type B.
The Ish arrangement was introduced by Armstrong to give a new interpretation of the q;t-Catalan numbers of Garsia and Haiman. Armstrong and Rhoades showed that there are some striking similarities between the Shi arrangement and the Ish arrangement and posed some problems. One of them is whether the Ish arrangement is a free arrangement or not. In this paper, we verify that the Ish arrangement is supersolvable and hence free. Moreover, we give a necessary and sufficient condition for the deleted Ish arrangement to be free
We study the growth rate of the hard squares lattice gas, equivalent to the number of independent sets on the square lattice, and two related models — non-attacking kings and read-write isolated memory. We use an assortment of techniques from combinatorics, statistical mechanics and linear algebra to prove upper bounds on these growth rates. We start from Calkin and Wilf’s transfer matrix eigenvalue bound, then bound that with the Collatz-Wielandt formula from linear algebra. To obtain an approximate eigenvector, we use an ansatz from Baxter’s corner transfer matrix formalism, optimised with Nishino and Okunishi’s corner transfer matrix renormalisation group method. This results in an upper bound algorithm which no longer requires exponential memory and so is much faster to calculate than a direct evaluation of the Calkin-Wilf bound. Furthermore, it is extremely parallelisable and so allows us to make dramatic improvements to the previous best known upper bounds. In all cases we reduce the gap between upper and lower bounds by 4-6 orders of magnitude.
Triangular fully packed loop configurations (TFPLs) came up in the study of fully packed loop configurations on a square (FPLs) corresponding to link patterns with a large number of nested arches. To a TFPL is assigned a triple (u,v;w) of 01-words encoding its boundary conditions. A necessary condition for the boundary (u,v;w) of a TFPL is |λ(u)|+|λ(v)|≤|λ(w)|, where λ(u) denotes the Young diagram associated with the 01-word u. Wieland gyration, on the other hand, was invented to show the rotational invariance of the numbers Aπ of FPLs corresponding to a given link pattern π. Later, Wieland drift was defined as the natural adaption of Wieland gyration to TFPLs. The main contribution of this article is a linear expression for the number of TFPLs with boundary (u,v;w) where |λ(w)|−|λ(u)|−|λ(v)|≤2 in terms of numbers of stable TFPLs that is TFPLs invariant under Wieland drift. These stable TFPLs have boundary (u+,v+;w) for words u+ and v+ such that λ(u)⊆λ(u+) and λ(v)⊆λ(v+).
In this extended abstract we consider mixed volumes of combinations of hypersimplices. These numbers, called mixed Eulerian numbers, were first considered by A. Postnikov and were shown to satisfy many properties related to Eulerian numbers, Catalan numbers, binomial coefficients, etc. We give a general combinatorial interpretation for mixed Eulerian numbers and prove the above properties combinatorially. In particular, we show that each mixed Eulerian number enumerates a certain set of permutations in Sn. We also prove several new properties of mixed Eulerian numbers using our methods. Finally, we consider a type B analogue of mixed Eulerian numbers and give an analogous combinatorial interpretation for these numbers.
We generalize previous definitions of Tesler matrices to allow negative matrix entries and non-positive hook sums. Our main result is an algebraic interpretation of a certain weighted sum over these matrices. Our interpretation uses <i>virtual Hilbert series</i>, a new class of symmetric function specializations which are defined by their values on (modified) Macdonald polynomials. As a result of this interpretation, we obtain a Tesler matrix expression for the Hall inner product ⟨Δfen,p1n⟩, where Δf is a symmetric function operator from the theory of diagonal harmonics. We use our Tesler matrix expression, along with various facts about Tesler matrices, to provide simple formulas for ⟨Δe1en,p1n⟩ and ⟨Δeken,p1n⟩∣t=0 involving q;t-binomial coefficients and ordered set partitions, respectively.
A <i>parametrization</i> of a positroid variety Π of dimension d is a regular map (C×)d→Π which is birational onto a dense subset of Π. There are several remarkable combinatorial constructions which yield parametrizations of positroid varieties. We investigate the relationship between two families of such parametrizations, and prove they are essentially the same. Our first family is defined in terms of Postnikov’s <i>boundary measurement map</i>, and the domain of each parametrization is the space of edge weights of a planar network. We focus on a special class of planar networks called <i>bridge graphs</i>, which have applications to particle physics. Our second family arises from Marsh and Rietsch’s parametrizations of Deodhar components of the flag variety, which are indexed by certain subexpressions of reduced words. Projecting to the Grassmannian gives a family of parametrizations for each positroid variety. We show that each Deodhar parametrization for a positroid variety corresponds to a bridge graph, while each parametrization from a bridge graph agrees with some projected Deodhar parametrization.
Kirillov-Reshetikhin (KR) crystals are colored directed graphs encoding the structure of certain finite-dimensional representations of affine Lie algebras. A tensor product of column shape KR crystals has recently been realized in a uniform way, for all untwisted affine types, in terms of the quantum alcove model. We enhance this model by using it to give a uniform realization of the combinatorial R-matrix, i.e., the unique affine crystal isomorphism permuting factors in a tensor product of KR crystals. In other words, we are generalizing to all Lie types Schützenberger’s sliding game (jeu de taquin) for Young tableaux, which realizes the combinatorial R-matrix in type A. We also show that the quantum alcove model does not depend on the choice of a sequence of alcoves
We explore the enumeration of some natural classes of graded posets, including (2+2)-avoiding graded posets, (3+1)-avoiding graded posets, (2+2)- and (3+1)-avoiding graded posets, and the set of all graded posets. As part of this story, we discuss a situation when we can switch between enumeration of labeled and unlabeled objects with ease, which helps us generalize a result by Postnikov and Stanley from the theory of hyperplane arrangements, answer a question posed by Stanley, and see an old result of Klarner in a new light.
We give a new representation-theoretic proof of the branching rule for Macdonald polynomials using the Etingof-Kirillov Jr. expression for Macdonald polynomials as traces of intertwiners of Uq(gln). In the Gelfand-Tsetlin basis, we show that diagonal matrix elements of such intertwiners are given by application of Macdonald's operators to a simple kernel. An essential ingredient in the proof is a map between spherical parts of double affine Hecke algebras of different ranks based upon the Dunkl-Kasatani conjecture.
We give a statistic preserving bijection from rigged configurations to a tensor product of Kirillov–Reshetikhin crystals ⊗Ni=1B1,si in type D(3)4 by using virtualization into type D(1)4. We consider a special case of this bijection with B=B1,s, and we obtain the so-called Kirillov–Reshetikhin tableaux model for the Kirillov–Reshetikhin crystal.
In the present paper, the relation between the dominant regions in the m-Shi arrangement of types Bn/Cn, and those of the m-Shi arrangement of type An−1 is investigated. More precisely, it is shown explicitly how the sets Rm(Bn) and Rm(Cn), of dominant regions of the m-Shi arrangement of types Bn and Cn respectively, can be projected to the set Rm(An−1) of dominant regions of the m-Shi arrangement of type An−1. This is done by using two different viewpoints for the representative alcoves of these regions: the Shi tableaux and the abacus diagrams. Moreover, bijections between the sets Rm(Bn), Rm(Cn), and lattice paths inside a rectangle n×mn are provided.
We introduce type C parking functions, encoded as vertically labelled lattice paths and endowed with a statistic dinv'. We define a bijection from type C parking functions to regions of the Shi arrangement of type C, encoded as diagonally labelled ballot paths and endowed with a natural statistic area'. This bijection is a natural analogue of the zeta map of Haglund and Loehr and maps dinv' to area'. We give three different descriptions of it.
The Schur functions in superspace sΛ and ¯sΛ are the limits q=t=0 and q=t=∞ respectively of the Macdonald polynomials in superspace. We present the elementary properties of the bases sΛ and ¯sΛ (which happen to be essentially dual) such as Pieri rules, dualities, monomial expansions, tableaux generating functions, and Cauchy identities.
In 2008, Han rediscovered an expansion of powers of Dedekind η function due to Nekrasov and Okounkov by using Macdonald's identity in type ˜A. In this paper, we obtain new combinatorial expansions of powers of η, in terms of partition hook lengths, by using Macdonald's identity in type ˜C and a new bijection. As applications, we derive a symplectic hook formula and a relation between Macdonald's identities in types ˜C, ˜B, and ~BC.
If f(x) is an invertible power series we may form the symmetric function f(f−1(x1)+f−1(x2)+...) which is called a formal group law. We give a number of examples of power series f(x) that are ordinary generating functions for combinatorial objects with a recursive structure, each of which is associated with a certain hypergraph. In each case, we show that the corresponding formal group law is the sum of the chromatic symmetric functions of these hypergraphs by finding a combinatorial interpretation for f−1(x). We conjecture that the chromatic symmetric functions arising in this way are Schur-positive.
We introduce a new statistic, skip, on rational (3,n)-Dyck paths and define a marked rank word for each path when n is not a multiple of 3. If a triple of valid statistics (area; skip; dinv) are given, we have an algorithm to construct the marked rank word corresponding to the triple. By considering all valid triples we give an explicit formula for the (m,n)-rational q;t-Catalan polynomials when m=3. Then there is a natural bijection on the triples of statistics (area; skip; dinv) which exchanges the statistics area and dinv while fixing the skip. Thus we prove the q;t-symmetry of (m,n)-rational q;t-Catalan polynomials for m=3..
We analyze a general model of weighted graphs, introduced by de Panafieu and Ravelomanana (2014) and similar to the inhomogeneous graph model of Söderberg (2002). We investigate the sum of the weights of those graphs and their structure. Those results allow us to give a new proof in a more general setting of a theorem of Wright (1972) on the enumeration of properly colored graphs. We also discuss applications related to social networks
An important combinatorial result in equivariant cohomology and K-theory Schubert calculus is represented by the formulas of Billey and Graham-Willems for the localization of Schubert classes at torus fixed points. These formulas work uniformly in all Lie types, and are based on the concept of a root polynomial. We define formal root polynomials associated with an arbitrary formal group law (and thus a generalized cohomology theory). We usethese polynomials to simplify the approach of Billey and Graham-Willems, as well as to generalize it to connective K-theory and elliptic cohomology. Another result is concerned with defining a Schubert basis in elliptic cohomology (i.e., classes independent of a reduced word), using the Kazhdan-Lusztig basis of the corresponding Hecke algebra.
The notion of the negative q-binomial was recently introduced by Fu, Reiner, Stanton and Thiem. Mirroring the negative q-binomial, we show the classical q -Stirling numbers of the second kind can be expressed as a pair of statistics on a subset of restricted growth words. The resulting expressions are polynomials in q and (1+q). We extend this enumerative result via a decomposition of the Stirling poset, as well as a homological version of Stembridge’s q=−1 phenomenon. A parallel enumerative, poset theoretic and homological study for the q-Stirling numbers of the first kind is done beginning with de Médicis and Leroux’s rook placement formulation. Letting t=1+q we give a bijective combinatorial argument à la Viennot showing the (q;t)-Stirling numbers of the first and second kind are orthogonal.
We give a recursive definition of generalized parking functions that allows them to be viewed as a species. From there we compute a non-commutative characteristic of the generalized parking function module and deduce some enumeration formulas of structures and isomorphism types. We give as well an interpretation in several bases of non commutative symmetric functions. Finally, we investigate an inclusion-exclusion formula given by Kung and Yan.
There are few general results about the coefficients of Ehrhart polynomials. We present a conjecture about their positivity for a certain family of polytopes known as generalized permutohedra. We have verified the conjecture for small dimensions combining perturbation methods with a new valuation on the algebra of rational pointed polyhedral cones constructed by Berline and Vergne.
We consider a Hopf algebra of simplicial complexes and provide a cancellation-free formula for its antipode. We then obtain a family of combinatorial Hopf algebras by defining a family of characters on this Hopf algebra. The characters of these Hopf algebras give rise to symmetric functions that encode information about colorings of simplicial complexes and their f-vectors. We also use characters to give a generalization of Stanley’s (−1)-color theorem.
Let u and v be permutations on n letters, with u ≤ v in Bruhat order. A <i>Bruhat interval polytope</i> Qu,v is the convex hull of all permutation vectors z=(z(1),z(2),...,z(n)) with u ≤ z ≤ v. Note that when u=e and v=w0 are the shortest and longest elements of the symmetric group, Qe,w0 is the classical permutohedron. Bruhat interval polytopes were studied recently in the 2013 paper “The full Kostant-Toda hierarchy on the positive flag variety” by Kodama and the second author, in the context of the Toda lattice and the moment map on the flag variety. In this paper we study combinatorial aspects of Bruhat interval polytopes. For example, we give an inequality description and a dimension formula for Bruhat interval polytopes, and prove that every face of a Bruhat interval polytope is a Bruhat interval polytope. A key tool in the proof of the latter statement is a generalization of the well-known lifting property for Coxeter groups. Motivated by the relationship between the lifting property and R-polynomials, we also give a generalization of the standard recurrence for R-polynomials.
An important problem from invariant theory is to describe the subspace of a tensor power of a representation invariant under the action of the group. According to Weyl's classic, the first main (later: 'fundamental') theorem of invariant theory states that all invariants are expressible in terms of a finite number among them, whereas a second main theorem determines the relations between those basic invariants.Here we present a transparent, combinatorial proof of a second fundamental theorem for the defining representation of the symplectic group Sp(2n). Our formulation is completely explicit and provides a very precise link to (n+1)-noncrossing perfect matchings, going beyond a dimension count. As a corollary, we obtain an instance of the cyclic sieving phenomenon.
A combinatorial expression for the coefficient of the Schur function sλ in the expansion of the plethysm pdn/d∘sμ is given for all d dividing n for the cases in which n=2 or λ is rectangular. In these cases, the coefficient ⟨pdn/d∘sμ,sλ⟩ is shown to count, up to sign, the number of fixed points of an ⟨snμ,sλ⟩-element set under the de power of an order n cyclic action. If n=2, the action is the Schützenberger involution on semistandard Young tableaux (also known as evacuation), and, if λ is rectangular, the action is a certain power of Schützenberger and Shimozono's <i>jeu-de-taquin</i> promotion.This work extends results of Stembridge and Rhoades linking fixed points of the Schützenberger actions to ribbon tableaux enumeration. The conclusion for the case n=2 is equivalent to the domino tableaux rule of Carré and Leclerc for discriminating between the symmetric and antisymmetric parts of the square of a Schur function.
Based on the Hermite–Biehler theorem, we simultaneously prove the real-rootedness of Eulerian polynomials of type D and the real-rootedness of affine Eulerian polynomials of type B, which were first obtained by Savage and Visontai by using the theory of s-Eulerian polynomials. We also confirm Hyatt’s conjectures on the inter-lacing property of half Eulerian polynomials. Borcea and Brändén’s work on the characterization of linear operators preserving Hurwitz stability is critical to this approach.
Recently, Diaconis, Ram and I created Markov chains out of the coproduct-then-product operator on combinatorial Hopf algebras. These chains model the breaking and recombining of combinatorial objects. Our motivating example was the riffle-shuffling of a deck of cards, for which this Hopf algebra connection allowed explicit computation of all the eigenfunctions. The present note replaces in this construction the coproduct-then-product map with convolutions of projections to the graded subspaces, effectively allowing us to dictate the distribution of sizes of the pieces in the breaking step of the previous chains. An important example is removing one “vertex” and reattaching it, in analogy with top-to-random shuffling. This larger family of Markov chains all admit analysis by Hopf-algebraic techniques. There are simple combinatorial expressions for their stationary distributions and for their eigenvalues and multiplicities and, in some cases, the eigenfunctions are also calculable.
We present complete simplicial fan realizations of any spherical subword complex of type An for n≤3. This provides complete simplicial fan realizations of simplicial multi-associahedra Δ2k+4,k, whose facets are in correspondence with k-triangulations of a convex (2k+4)-gon. This solves the first open case of the problem of finding fan realizations where polytopality is not known. The techniques presented in this paper work for all finite Coxeter groups and we hope that they will be useful to construct fans realizing subword complexes in general. In particular, we present fan realizations of two previously unknown cases of subword complexes of type A4, namely the multi-associahedra Δ9,2 and Δ11,3.
Exceptional sequences are certain ordered sequences of quiver representations. We use noncrossing edge-labeled trees in a disk with boundary vertices (expanding on T. Araya’s work) to classify exceptional sequences of representations of Q, the linearly ordered quiver with n vertices. We also show how to use variations of this model to classify c-matrices of Q, to interpret exceptional sequences as linear extensions, and to give a simple bijection between exceptional sequences and certain chains in the lattice of noncrossing partitions. In the case of c-matrices, we also give an interpretation of c-matrix mutation in terms of our noncrossing trees with directed edges.
We present new combinatorial methods for solving algebraic problems such as computing the Hilbert series of a free P-algebra over one generator, or proving the freeness of a P-algebra. In particular, we apply these methods to the cases of dendriform algebras, quadrialgebras and tridendriform algebras, which leads us to prove a conjecture of Aguiar and Loday about the freeness of the quadrialgebra generated by the permutation 12.
We define a K -theoretic analogue of Fomin’s dual graded graphs, which we call dual filtered graphs. The key formula in the definition is DU−UD=D+I. Our major examples are K -theoretic analogues of Young’s lattice, the binary tree, and the graph determined by the Poirier-Reutenauer Hopf algebra. Most of our examples arise via two constructions, which we call the Pieri construction and the Möbius construction. The Pieri construction is closely related to the construction of dual graded graphs from a graded Hopf algebra, as described in Bergeron-Lam-Li, Nzeutchap, and Lam-Shimozono. The Möbius construction is more mysterious but also potentially more important, as it corresponds to natural insertion algorithms.
We introduce the Dyck path triangulation of the cartesian product of two simplices Δn−1×Δn−1. The maximal simplices of this triangulation are given by Dyck paths, and its construction naturally generalizes to produce triangulations of Δr n−1×Δn−1 using rational Dyck paths. Our study of the Dyck path triangulation is motivated by extendability problems of partial triangulations of products of two simplices. We show that wheneverm≥k>n, any triangulations of Δ(k−1)m−1×Δn−1 extends to a unique triangulation of Δm−1×Δn−1. Moreover, with an explicit construction, we prove that the bound k>n is optimal. We also exhibit interpretations of our results in the language of tropical oriented matroids, which are analogous to classical results in oriented matroid theory.
We prove the affine Pieri rule for the cohomology of the affine flag variety conjectured by Lam, Lapointe, Morse and Shimozono. We study the cap operator on the affine nilHecke ring that is motivated by Kostant and Kumar’s work on the equivariant cohomology of the affine flag variety. We show that the cap operators for Pieri elements are the same as Pieri operators defined by Berg, Saliola and Serrano. This establishes the affine Pieri rule.
The <i>totally nonnegative Grassmannian</i> is the set of k-dimensional subspaces V of ℝ<sup>n</sup> whose nonzero Plücker coordinates (i.e. k × k minors of a k × n matrix whose rows span V) all have the same sign. Total positivity has been much studied in the past two decades from an algebraic, combinatorial, and topological perspective, but first arose in the theory of oscillations in analysis. It was in the latter context that Gantmakher and Krein (1950) and Schoenberg and Whitney (1951) independently showed that a subspace V is totally nonnegative iff every vector in V, when viewed as a sequence of n numbers and ignoring any zeros, changes sign fewer than k times. We generalize this result, showing that the vectors in V change sign fewer than l times iff certain sequences of the Plücker coordinates of some <i>generic perturbation</i> of V change sign fewer than l − k + 1 times. We give an algorithm which constructs such a generic perturbation. Also, we determine the <i>positroid cell</i> of each totally nonnegative V from sign patterns of vectors in V. These results generalize to oriented matroids.
We consider several counting problems related to Coxeter-Catalan combinatorics and conjecture that the problems all have the same answer, which we call the W -biCatalan number. We prove the conjecture in many cases.
We introduce a rich family of generalizations of the pentagram map sharing the property that each generates an infinite configuration of points and lines with four points on each line. These systems all have a description as Y -mutations in a cluster algebra and hence establish new connections between cluster theory and projective geometry.
We construct universal geometric coefficients for the cluster algebra associated to the four-punctured sphere and obtain, as a by-product, the g -vectors of cluster variables. We also construct the rational part of the mutation fan. These constructions rely on a classification of the allowable curves (the curves which can appear in quasi-laminations). The classification allows us to prove the Null Tangle Property for the four-punctured sphere, thus adding this surface to a short list of surfaces for which this property is known. The Null Tangle Property then implies that the shear coordinates of allowable curves are the universal coefficients. We compute these shear coordinates to obtain universal geometric coefficients.
We prove an explicit closed formula, written as a sum of Pfaffians, which describes each equivariant Schubert class for the Grassmannian of isotropic subspaces in a symplectic vector space
We introduce a new combinatorial structure: the metasylvester lattice on decreasing trees. It appears in the context of the m-Tamari lattices and other related m-generalizations. The metasylvester congruence has been recently introduced by Novelli and Thibon. We show that it defines a sublattice of the m-permutations where elements can be represented by decreasing labelled trees: the metasylvester lattice. We study the combinatorial properties of this new structure. In particular, we give different realizations of the lattice. The m-Tamari lattice is by definition a sublattice of our newly defined metasylvester lattice. It leads us to a new realization of the m-Tamari lattice, using certain chains of the classical Tamari lattice.
We extend a T-path expansion formula for arcs on an unpunctured surface to the case of arcs on a once-punctured polygon and use this formula to give a combinatorial proof that cluster monomials form the atomic basis of a cluster algebra of type D.
In this paper we give a sufficient condition for a general stability of Kronecker coefficients, which we call additive stability. Its main ingredient is the property of a matrix of being additive. This notion seems to be an important one: it appears in Discrete Tomography as a sufficient condition to uniqueness; it also appears in Manivel’s study of asymptotic properties of plethysm through Borel-Weil theory. The proof sketched here combines several results of the author on integer matrices motivated by Discrete Tomography with a new idea of Stembridge, that permits to bound some sequences of Kronecker coefficients. The advantage of additivity with respect to the previous approach by Stembridge is that it is very easy to produce new examples of additive matrices and, therefore, to produce many new examples of stability of Kronecker coefficients. We also show that Murnaghan’s stability property and other instances of stability discovered previously by the author are special cases of additive stability. Besides, our approach permits us to disprove a recent conjecture of Stembridge and to give a new characterization of additivity.
Plethysm coefficients are important structural constants in the theory of symmetric functions and in the representations theory of symmetric groups and general linear groups. In 1950, Foulkes observed stability properties: some sequences of plethysm coefficients are eventually constants. Such stability properties were proven by Brion with geometric techniques and by Thibon and Carré by means of vertex operators. In this paper we present a newapproach to prove such stability properties. This new proofs are purely combinatorial and follow the same scheme. We decompose plethysm coefficients in terms of other plethysm coefficients (related to the complete homogeneous basis of symmetric functions). We show that these other plethysm coefficients count integer points in polytopes and we prove stability for them by exhibiting bijections between the corresponding sets of integer points of each polytope.
The Stanley chromatic polynomial of a graph G is a symmetric function generalization of the chromatic polynomial, and has interesting combinatorial properties. We apply the ideas of Khovanov homology to construct a homology H<sub>*</sub>(G) of graded Sn-modules, whose graded Frobenius series FrobG(q,t) reduces to the chromatic symmetric function at q=t=1. We also obtain analogues of several familiar properties of the chromatic symmetric polynomials in terms of homology.
This paper contains two results. First, I propose a q-generalization of a certain sequence of positive integers, related to Catalan numbers, introduced by Zeilberger, see Lassalle (2010). These q-integers are palindromic polynomials in q with positive integer coefficients. The positivity depends on the positivity of a certain difference of products of q-binomial coefficients.To this end, I introduce a new inversion/major statistics on lattice walks. The difference in q-binomial coefficients is then seen as a generating function of weighted walks that remain in the upper half-plan.
In 1968 and 1969, Andrews proved two partition theorems of the Rogers-Ramanujan type which generalise Schur’s celebrated partition identity (1926). Andrews’ two generalisations of Schur’s theorem went on to become two of the most influential results in the theory of partitions, finding applications in combinatorics, representation theory and quantum algebra. In this paper we generalise both of Andrews’ theorems to overpartitions. The proofs use a new technique which consists in going back and forth from q-difference equations on generating functions to recurrence equations on their coefficients.
Tableau sequences of bounded height have been central to the analysis of k-noncrossing set partitions and matchings. We show here that families of sequences that end with a row shape are particularly compelling and lead to some interesting connections. First, we prove that hesitating tableaux of height at most two ending with a row shape are counted by Baxter numbers. This permits us to define three new Baxter classes which, remarkably, do not obviously possess the antipodal symmetry of other known Baxter classes. Oscillating tableau of height bounded by k ending in a row are in bijection with Young tableaux of bounded height 2k. We discuss this recent result, and somegenerating function implications. Many of our proofs are analytic in nature, so there are intriguing combinatorial bijections to be found.
We compute, for each genus g ≥ 0, the generating function L<sub>g</sub> ≡ L<sub>g</sub>(t;p<sub>1</sub>,p<sub>2</sub>,...) of (labelled) bipartite maps on the orientable surface of genus g, with control on all face degrees. We exhibit an explicit change of variables such that for each g, L<sub>g</sub> is a rational function in the new variables, computable by an explicit recursion on the genus. The same holds for the generating function L<sub>g</sub> of <i>rooted</i> bipartite maps. The form of the result is strikingly similar to the Goulden/Jackson/Vakil and Goulden/Guay-Paquet/Novak formulas for the generating functions of classical and monotone Hurwitz numbers respectively, which suggests stronger links between these models. Our result strengthens recent results of Kazarian and Zograf, who studied the case where the number of faces is bounded, in the equivalent formalism of <i>dessins d’enfants</i>. Our proofs borrow some ideas from Eynard’s “topological recursion” that he applied in particular to even-faced maps (unconventionally called “bipartite maps” in his work). However, the present paper requires no previous knowledge of this topic and comes with elementary (complex-analysis-free) proofs written in the perspective of formal power series.
We present here a family of posets which generalizes both partition and pointed partition posets. After a short description of these new posets, we show that they are Cohen-Macaulay, compute their Moebius numbers and their characteristic polynomials. The characteristic polynomials are obtained using a combinatorial interpretation of the incidence Hopf algebra associated to these posets.
Cambrian trees are oriented and labeled trees which fulfill local conditions around each node generalizing the conditions for classical binary search trees. Based on the bijective correspondence between signed permutations and leveled Cambrian trees, we define the Cambrian Hopf algebra generalizing J.-L. Loday and M. Ronco’s algebra on binary trees. We describe combinatorially the products and coproducts of both the Cambrian algebra and its dual in terms of operations on Cambrian trees. Finally, we define multiplicative bases of the Cambrian algebra and study structural and combinatorial properties of their indecomposable elements.
We present a generalization of the Tamari lattice to parabolic quotients of the symmetric group. More precisely, we generalize the notions of 231-avoiding permutations, noncrossing set partitions, and nonnesting set partitions to parabolic quotients, and show bijectively that these sets are equinumerous. Furthermore, the restriction of weak order on the parabolic quotient to the parabolic 231-avoiding permutations is a lattice quotient. Lastly, we suggest how to extend these constructions to all Coxeter groups.
For any finite path v on the square lattice consisting of north and east unit steps, we construct a poset Tam(v) that consists of all the paths lying weakly above v with the same endpoints as v. For particular choices of v, we recover the traditional Tamari lattice and the m-Tamari lattice. In particular this solves the problem of extending the m-Tamari lattice to any pair (a;b) of relatively prime numbers in the context of the so-called rational Catalan combinatorics.For that purpose we introduce the notion of canopy of a binary tree and explicit a bijection between pairs (u;v) of paths in Tam(v) and binary trees with canopy v. Let (←v) be the path obtained from v by reading the unit steps of v in reverse order and exchanging east and north steps. We show that the poset Tam(v) is isomorphic to the dual of the poset Tam(←v) and that Tam(v) is isomorphic to the set of binary trees having the canopy v, which is an interval of the ordinary Tamari lattice. Thus the usual Tamari lattice is partitioned into (smaller) lattices Tam(v), where the v’s are all the paths of length n−1 on the square lattice.We explain possible connections between the poset Tam(v) and (the combinatorics of) the generalized diagonal coinvariant spaces of the symmetric group.
We extend the Marcus-Schaeffer bijection between orientable rooted bipartite quadrangulations (equivalently: rooted maps) and orientable labeled one-face maps to the case of all surfaces, orientable or non-orientable. This general construction requires new ideas and is more delicate than the special orientable case, but carries the same information. It thus gives a uniform combinatorial interpretation of the counting exponent 5(h−1)2 for both orientable and non-orientable maps of Euler characteristic 2−2h and of the algebraicity of their generating functions. It also shows the universality of the renormalization factor n<sup>¼</sup> for the metric of maps, on all surfaces: the renormalized profile and radius in a uniform random pointed bipartite quadrangulation of size n on any fixed surface converge in distribution. Finally, it also opens the way to the study of Brownian surfaces for any compact 2-dimensional manifold.
We consider generalizations of juggling Markov chains introduced by Ayyer, Bouttier, Corteel and Nunzi. We first study multispecies generalizations of all the finite models therein, namely the MJMC, the add-drop and the annihilation models. We then consider the case of several jugglers exchanging balls. In all cases, we give explicit product formulas for the stationary probability and closed-form expressions for the normalization factor if known.
We construct a poset from a simple acyclic digraph together with a valuation on its vertices, and we compute the values of its Möbius function. We show that the weak order on Coxeter groups A<sub>n−1</sub>, B<sub>n</sub>, Ã<sub>n</sub>, and the flag weak order on the wreath product ℤ<sub>r</sub> ≀ S<sub>n</sub> introduced by Adin, Brenti and Roichman (2012), are special instances of our construction. We conclude by briefly explaining how to use our work to define quasi-symmetric functions, with a special emphasis on the A<sub>n−1</sub> case, in which case we obtain the classical Stanley symmetric function.
We introduce an axiom system for a collection of matchings that describes the triangulation of product of simplices.
The n-dimensional associahedron is a polytope whose vertices correspond to triangulations of a convex (n+3)-gon and whose edges are flips between them. It was recently shown that the diameter of this polytope is 2n−4 as soon as n>9. We study the diameters of the graphs of relevant generalizations of the associahedron: on the one hand the generalized associahedra arising from cluster algebras, and on the other hand the graph associahedra and nestohedra. Related to the diameter, we investigate the non-leaving-face property for these polytopes, which asserts that every geodesic connecting two vertices in the graph of the polytope stays in the minimal face containing both.